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ÚTP - Info

National Platform CZ AgriFoodTech - FNH-RI

National Platform CZ AgriFoodTech


FNH-RI is an European research infrastructure for healthy and sustainable diets, consisting of > 150 institutes from 24 countries. We bring together the main players – researchers, citizen, data scientists, industry and technology developers – to boost research on eating patterns. To that end, we offer standards and procedures for data sharing, and harmonized protocols for tools, facilities and training. Ultimately, our goal is to foster the transition to sustainable food system, the reduction of non-communicable diseases and the engagement of consumer and citizen.

A proposal for inclusion of FNH-RI on the ESFRI Roadmap 2021 has been submitted recently and is currently under review.

What does FNH-RI mean?

  • Food, Nutrition and Health Research Infrastructure for healthy and sustainable diets.


Scientific Lead / Contact


Activities for the period associated with the activity of the Czech node

Ingr´s Days 2021 

Food Symposium 2021 

  • Food Waste - the first webinar in a series from the LSU AgCenter/Mendel Food Symposium. This first webinar took place on March 15, 2021.
  • Human Nutrition - the second webinar in a series from the LSU AgCenter/Mendel Food Symposium. This webinar took place on March 16, 2021.
  • Role of Nutrition - the third webinar in a series from the LSU AgCenter/Mendel Food Symposium. This webinar took place on March 17, 2021.
  • Food Technology and Production - the fourth webinar in a series from the LSU AgCenter/Mendel Food Symposium. This webinar took place on March 18, 2021.
  • Food Safety - the fifth webinar in a series from the LSU AgCenter/Mendel Food Symposium. This webinar took place on March 19, 2021.

Student Conference Nutrition, Food and Health 2021 (2021-05-25) 


Czech National Platform AgriFoodTech is composed of scientific institutions in the academic and research space of agri and food sector linked to the association of professionals and workers in the field of human nutrition.

It is coordinated by Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU).

  • Mendel University in Brno is a public institution with a long tradition of excellence in teaching and research that has driven new ways of thinking since 1919 and proudly bears the name of J. G. Mendel, the founder of modern genetics. This agricultural university provides education and research in the field of agriculture, food science, agribusiness, and related studies. The University comprises one University Institute and five faculties. MENDELU has built several new facilities to create even better teaching environment. According to their specialization, students have hands-on experience in the food technology pavilion with its start-to-finish meat or dairy production and complete bakery, experimental breweries and other.
  • Food Research Institute Prague is mostly focused in its activities on improving the level of our population and food for healthier foods offered in market. It is aimed at improving the procedures for processing food from the beginning of production to their final preparation, the development of special foods for groups of people with extraordinary health, by food entities in the search and development of related supervisory and evaluative techniques, analytics including the implementation of specific analyses, as well as the development and the production of special measuring equipment and techniques. The main activity of research institute is to do research projects and the activities of commercial, implementation services, consulting and advisory activities.
  • The Czech Society for Nutrition (CSN) was established in 1945 as an association of professionals and workers in the field of human nutrition. CSN is a member of the Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS) and the International Union of Nutrition Societies (IUNS) and its members take part in professional events organized by these societies. CSN co-operates constantly with professional medical associations, research institutions and universities, health insurance companies, the Federation of the Food and Drink Industries of the Czech Republic (FFDI), food companies, as well as with key organs of the state administration (The Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic; The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports; The Ministry of Health).

Wageningen University & Research

Scientific Coordinator FNH-RI

Prof. Dr. Ir. Pieter van ‘t  Veer, pieter.vantveer@wur.nl


Coordinator FNH-RI

Karin L. Zimmermann (BSc,RM), karin.zimmermann@wur.nl


Project Office

Khadija Nairi, FNH-RI@wur.nl




More informations on the FNH-RI website or Wageningen University & Research website


By 2050, European citizens eat food that benefits personal and public health and environmental sustainability, coming from a food environment that supports responsible choices.

  • An integrated understanding of consumer food choices at the biological and social levels leads to collaborative redesign of policy, industry and the food environment.
  • Adequate, enjoyable and sustainable food offerings lead to food choices that reduce environmental footprints, non-communicable diseases and malnutrition across all socio- economic and cultural groups.
  • A growing European population is ensured a supply of healthy and sustainable food for the future.


FNH-RI drives transdisciplinary research by connecting research-, industry- and citizen-generated data and facilities on food and environment, initiating the required food systems transformation in Europe. FNH-RI:

  • Enables transdisciplinary research and food innovation by overcoming the lack of data validation and interoperability in food consumer science and nutrition.
  • Generates standards and ontologies to integrate biological and social science food and nutrition data.
  • Supports and trains researchers to utilize and design emerging and novel digital technologies and data science tools.
  • Enables the development of a pan-European Citizens Data Platform for research on eating habits, determinants and impacts.
  • Engages with stakeholder groups and policy-makers to feed knowledge to the food supply chain and preventative health domains, identifying critical and effective intervention points.
  • Steers the re-design of healthier and more sustainable food systems, supported by a new generation of researchers.



The FNH-RI timeline vision & mission, governance, and unique offers to the research community. FNH-RI will provide a return on member states’ investments via broad impacts on research and development and improvements in the health and sustainability of citizens’ diets.

Between 2012 – 2018 the (conceptual) design of FNH-RI was developed. During the design and preparation phase, a first start (proof of principle) was made with the development of both the governance and management as well as the DATA, FACT and TED services. The future development of FNH-RI is planned in four phases.

  • 2022 – 2024: Preparatory phase
  • 2025 – 2029: Implementation phase 2030 –> : Operation phase
  • Termination phase: A restart is more likely to create a Next Generation (FNH-RI 2.0)
